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Sunday, 15 December 2013

5 Health Issues that Might Affect Ladies

frightened galYoung women these days have hectic lifestyles, where they tend to pay more attention to their work than their health. This leads to several health problems, which can take a toll on your soon to start married life. Let us tell you more about the top 5 problems that you might face as a young bride-to-be and what simple precautions you can take to avoid these.
1. Vitamin D deficiency
Vitamin D is one of the most essential vitamins for women. It not only helps to absorb calcium from the calcium-rich food you consume, but also keeps your muscles and bones strong. It is also important to build stamina in young women. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to cervical spondylosis, severe body aches, and can also lead to difficulty in conceiving. The best and natural source of vitamin D is early morning sunlight; otherwise there are supplements available too.

2. Anaemia
Anaemia is the most common problem faced by young girls today. Its main symptoms are: feeling tired very easily and quickly, losing your glow and looking pale, nails getting very brittle, chapped lips, and cracks at the corners of your mouth. The main cause of this problem is low levels of haemoglobin in the blood, mainly because of poor eating habits. Proper intake of iron-rich foods like fresh leafy greens in your diet can help you fight anaemia.
3. chest and Cervical Cancer
chest and cervical cancers continue to be the two main reasons for mortality in women. chest cancer is a result of habits like smoking, lack of exercise, drinking, stressful routine, etc. While cervical cancer can be transmitted sexually or due to poor hygiene. A test called ‘pap smear’ is advisable for women who are above the age of 25, or are sexually active. With advice from your gynaecologist, this test should be done after every 1-2 years to know your health status
4. Depression
Depression can be due to work-related stress, relationship matters, or tensions in the family. Also, women who experience a lot of hormonal changes during their menstrual cycles are more likely to be affected. Whatever the reason, it can sometimes cause women to take drastic decisions. Apart from mood changes, decreased enthusiasm, and sudden gain or loss of weight, in worst cases it can even lead to suicidal tendencies. Being around people you love, sharing your problems with people you trust, or seeking professional help is advisable.
5. Premenstrual Dystrophic Disorder
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) consists of common signs like physical cramps, mood changes, feeling bloated, acne, and body ache can be very stressful. When PMS takes a severe form, it is termed as Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PDD). PDD is on an all-time increase, and is now commonly being seen in many young women. Consulting your gynaecologist for advice is best recommended in such cases.
No reason to worry!
Now that you are familiar with some common health issues that can arise, we can also assure you that it is nothing to get scared of or ruin your pre-wedding exhilaration. All you need to do is be alert and not ignore any unusual signs or symptoms. Eat healthy and exercise regularly, and enjoy the trousseau shopping and excitement.

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